With my shop in Alston now open, I am already busy with private commissions. So, if you have a project that needs a trained and talented seamstress, I am your (wo)man! Please take a look at my product pages for more details of what I can offer and do come and visit me in Alston. The shop is open Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 4:30 pm or by appointment. Please contact me by email… iris@theoldparlour.net or call 01434 381531.
Category: Uncategorized
Shop opening 28 June!
After a few false starts I will be opening my online and actual shop on 28 June, The actual shop is in the basement of my home at MONUMENT VIEW, TOWNFOOT, ALSTON, CUMBRIA CA9 3HX and will open from 10am to 5pm every Thursday and Friday. I will be selling high quality handmade handbags, cushions, cushion covers, lightweight jackets, belts and aprons and anything I can sew. I will also have a limited stock of kitchenalia from previous trading. Cushions Read More
Bags Galore!
Iris has continued to work on her stock in preparation for opening the shop in the summer. With a large collection of cushion covers and a varied collection of aprons and pinnies already in place, she has turned her attention to bags. Her talent for matching fabrics and colours has really come to the fore. Here is just a small sample of what she has made so far…
2018 news
After a leisurely winter in South Carolina we are back home in the UK and Iris is busy building up her stock hand of crafted items. Iris already has a comprehensive stock of hand made cushion covers, many made from designer fabrics. She also has a modest stock of hand made aprons and pinnies and she is currently woking on her latest project which is bags. All items are hand made by Iris in Cumbria, using a variety of vintage Read More
Introducing The Old Parlour Welcome to The Old Parlour, my world of vintage kitchen scales and other old stuff. You can shop directly online using the shop link or you can check out my current eBay Listings. You can also read about some of the products that I sell by viewing the various pages listed in the sidebar menu to the right. It is my intention to use the blog pages to inform people of new products for sale and Read More